Caverns Pt 2:The unholy game

I got a game, lets play it

The game

I was walking with my friend incredibly generic name until a incredibly generic store that sells incredibly generic haunted games, so of course i bought the game that had given my the vapors, Caverns and a few others. I played the others first one was called The last day. It was a game about demons, points for originality. I took that out and put in a game that would lead to caverns. Finally i put in Caverns, my Super 64 Nintendo system of entertainment made a weird squishy noise until i finally played the game.

Caverns: the game

It started off with a kid running through a forest until the forest sky had darken and the kid shrieked at the site of something that wasn't even on the screen. The game immediately started with a man in a black coat, he walked extremely and bruhh when i mean extremely i sincerely mean extremely. NO reason why the game should have started off like this. So i pressed on, but i collected a child and the game started showing a picture of a man doing a ritual around me before killing me in the head. with a glock he shot me. I screamed and tried to break the game until a demon said no joe u cant not yet i unplugged the game and BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and BAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMM and i mean BAAAMMMM my life was over


A guy died from a gun the end
or is it
anyway news on this popular new game. Kids everywhere are buying this game and it's the hottest thing out it's so hot that a cult has fomed around it and im gonna find this out

Caverns:the mystery

I figured out that someone in the caverns game collects kids now it's my turn
to play the gayume dunnnn dunnnn DUUUUHNNNNJNNNNNNN
So i guess ill get back to you when i complete the game...... I'll complete it in 2198 buhhhhh byyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Also did you know that i also got a game called Sanic.Exo ill play it soon